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Graphtech Acoustic / Hexpander installation (cont.)

The 6 original steel saddles were swapped out for the new Graphtech 'piezo' sadldles and, with the wires carefully positioned, a small recess / groove for each was 'filed' in the underside of the pick guard to allow the wires to easily (ie no tight bends or restrictions) feed into the control cavity
In order to keep the classic Strat 'good looks' the pick guard was drilled for 2 extra switches only:
1 - Mag/acoustic pickups only  /  Mag/acoustic pickup AND 'midi' output  /  'midi' output only
2 - Program up/down 'midi' switch (centre sprung) The original magnetic pickups' volume on tone controls were kept and the bottom control pot was changed for acoustic volume, with a push/pull 'mid/dark' tone control.  So, the only thing lacking was a 'midi' volume control.  More about this later.
The guitar looks, feels and plays great with lots of 'multi-functionality'.  The lack of a 'midi' volume control means that this needs to be addressed from the Roland GR unit concerned via the foot 'swell' pedal.  Unfortunately, this means that interesting 'pedal functions' like Lesley rotary spin speed etc, have to be sacrified.  However, I'm currently looking into replacing the the mag volume pot with a 'dual gang' or, possibly, a push/pull pot that will do both mag volume AND tone, allowing the use of the 'middle' tone pot position for 'midi' volume.

Watch this space!


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